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YDK what YDK

Curiosity. Sometimes I crack myself up!! My absolute intrigue and fascination with things I don’t know sometimes gets me in unexpected situations. This week, I had the most interesting, weird, and enlightening thing happen…

I went to visit my friend, Dr. Moore, at Defying Time (just west of Ft. Worth). Now, I knew that Defying Time was a Med Spa, but I really didn’t realize what that meant. Nonetheless, I went to visit with her and we had a terrific lunch together. However, before we ate, she gave me the grand tour of her offices. WOW! You know… you don’t know what you don’t know (YDK what YDK), so I asked a million questions. I had no idea about all the different procedures, processes, and options available for not only cosmetic reasons, but health and wellness options, too! In my book, I talk about things I learned with Holly’s back injury, but I have realized that there is so much more to learn about!! Let me tell you about something bizarre and totally cool…

Out of all the rooms, beds, machines, etc. that Dr. Moore showed me, I was most fascinated with this little room that had a chair type thing. It was a round disk looking chair with a rail around the back- kind of like Grandma’s dining room chairs. I asked her what the machine did and she said it is some of the latest technology to help women build their pelvic floor muscles. I should have accepted that answer, but I kept asking. She said that the machine is highly effective for women over 40 who have had babies and need to strengthen their pelvic muscles- especially for urinary incontinence- you know- like when you sneeze or laugh too hard and trickle. Oh boy. I kept asking things like, “How does it work?” and “What does it feel like?” So, she said, “Sit down and try it.” Um. no. She said it again. Then she said, “Say YES.”

So, I sat down.

Then, Dr. Moore said, “Tell me when it gets into position.” I asked, “What does that mean?” She said, “You’ll know!” The machine began thumping my rear end over and over and all around until it came into position. I don’t know how to explain it, but she’s right. You know. Anyway, I thought, “This is weird. How does this work?” She then sat down across the room and told me about the research data around this machine- all while it’s thumping my junk. Okay. Weird. Then, she explained that the machine works to help initiate your muscles- like Kegel exercises- thus building your muscle tone. Okay. Next, she said, “I’m going to go get my computer. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Pretend you’re at a red light.” And, she left me.

All of the sudden, the machine buzzed into action and it felt like there was a tens unit under me. BZZTTT for 3 seconds. Relax. BZZZTTTT for 3 seconds relax. OMG. WEIRD. It didn’t hurt, didn’t feel good, just felt BZZZTTT. WWWEEEIIIIRRRRDDDD…. Then, she came back in with her computer and asked how I was doing… well…. I mean, fine, but ??? I asked, “How long do I have to sit here?” She said, “28 minutes!!” What??? OMG. But, hey- here we were in a room talking and discussing all sorts of things and whatever… She told me the usual prescribed treatment is to do this machine 2x a week for 3 weeks (6 total) and that as a result, the research says that the muscle tone improves tremendously. Each session initiates 10,000 Kegel exercises. Wow!

I made it the whole 28 minutes and then we ate lunch like nothing ever happened. OMG. I can’t exactly explain my situation effectively with words, because I think the story is better with facial expressions and hand gestures, but I wanted to document this experience because it is another example of how much we don’t know- and we don’t even know we don’t know it. There is a non surgical option for improving our pelvic floor muscles and you just sit on a machine (with all your clothes on) and let it do the work. Does it work? I don’t know but I know that I got a work out and I can absolutely see how it would. I do know that I have been struggling with hot flashes and night sweats and for the first time in months, I slept eight consecutive hours without waking up in a puddle of sweat- and I don’t know that it was the machine or coincidence, but I can’t help but wonder if the two are related.

Anyway… I wanted to share with all of you how once again, saying, “YES!” has challenged me, provided an opportunity for enlightenment, and rekindled my fascination for finding more things to know that I didn’t know. There is so much in this life to learn and I am passionate and excited to see what else I can get myself into!! Thank you, Dr. Moore, for teaching me something new! #BecauseYES! #KegelExercises #SitDown #Weird

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