Jason finally… FINALLY… finally started painting the front of the barn! Yes!! It has been months- almost a year- since he started this project. The wood on the front of the barn needed replacing and he did that. Yes! It was amazing and structurally sound. Yet, he never finished. Now, Jason is so good at lots of things, but finishing the job never really is his strength. Keep reading.
Jason started painting the front of the barn today. Man, it looks good. What really looks good? Him. He works so hard for our family. On his days off, he coaches Taylin’s baseball team, mows the yard, plants and tends to the garden, helps Holly change the speakers on her truck, and grabs a paint brush to finish a job he started months ago. Yes, it is a little annoying that he didn’t finish, but he is now- and gosh, HE and the barn are SEXY!
Sexy? Yes! If your man is working for your family and doing his best, that should be super sexy to you! You want to know why we’re happily married for almost 19 years- because I think painting the barn is sexy!! Now, it Yellowstone RIP sexy? No. But taking care of your family and being home and sharing a common goal… now, that is SEXY!
We do life together. I cherish normal days. I pray that I always find sex-appeal in the ordinary moments and that I never take for granted one second of normal. Guess what? I told him he is sexy. I texted my family a picture of him painting and looking so “SEXY” working on making barn “SEXY” and guess what??? Well, I’ll just leave it at that.
Men love to be appreciated. You want to build that in your husband? Recognize the SEXY in the ordinary things. Like- painting the barn!!