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All joking aside, we got a bill for Holly’s first spinal injection. For just the injection (not the doctor’s fee, facility fee, or even anesthesia), it was over $30,000. No joke. We have insurance and our out of pocket per person maximum is $6,000- so, we’ll start payments on that- but the actual bill is over $30,000. Yes. THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. And, it didn’t do anything. She still wound up in the hospital and had a second injection. The second injection is when things really started going wrong.

I only say that because one of the first suggestions out of the hospital by the adult neurosurgeon was to get in to see his pain management doctor for another spinal injection. At the time, I had not had my “boss” moment, but I knew dang good and well that we were NOT okay with another injection. I’ve been thinking a lot about this.

Call me cooky- but I’m finding all sorts of alternatives to pain management besides just doping a kid up or putting them through spinal injections. I’m actually kind-of mad. WHY did I not know about so many options? Safe options. Holistic options. But, I can only be mad at myself. My mom has been a tree hugger for years. She’s always got something new and cooky. I wish I would have listened sooner. Meditation, yoga, heat therapy (not just a heating pad), cryotherapy, Kagen water, essential oils, sugar/ dairy free diet, acupuncture, cleanses, biofeedback therapy, physical therapy, and salt rocks to purify the air… I mean, COME ON! These things are natural, healthy alternatives with no side effects and no drug interactions. Why are these things not discussed first?

I’ll give you 30,000 reasons why. You guys!! If you are hurting or feeling poorly, look for safe ways to help yourself or your family. Cooky or not, they have value. They make sense. I’ve still got a lot to learn- but I am seeing so much progress with Holly since we’ve taken a more holistic approach (The MOM BOSS plan). Yes, she’s still on nerve blocking medicine, anti-inflammatories, and muscle relaxers, but nothing like what it was. I said NO. I said no more to the spinal injections or narcotics/ opiods. I’ve started to see glimpses of my daughter again… sassy and all…

Remember, you are the BOSS. You decide.

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