Words mean things to me. The last few months have been somewhat of a blur. As 2020 comes to an end, I have been tossing around words that I might choose to invest in next year. In 2020, my word was FOCUS. I have been very focused on achieving many goals- personally and professionally. In 2021, I have been toying with two words: Clarity and Manifestation.
I’ve been working on my doctorate degree for 2 1/2 years. Everyone asks what I am going to do with it. I don’t really know. I just know that I felt the Lord calling me to complete the degree and I trust His vision for my life. Clarity would be nice, but I’ve learned over the years that God’s answers aren’t always black and white. So, while I am still looking for clarity, I believe I will focus on manifestation.
What do I mean by that? Well, my friend posted on Facebook a little while ago about a very fancy dinner she attended. She expressed how nice it is to go out and eat at fancy restaurants and not worry. I thought, yeah right… We think going to Chili’s is expensive! But that was stinkin’ thinking! I decided to dream about a beautiful dinner where I had to wear panty hose and heels… I started to think about what perfume I would wear and how I would do my hair… GUESS WHAT??? It happened! We were invited to a business dinner/ Christmas party for my husband’s side gig! What? Yes! Panty hose and all! Fancy- y’all! Steak and lobster, appetizers, desserts!! OMGosh it was amazing! I was laughing at myself, though. I had to use a black sharpie to color in the scuffs on my heels, but hey-YAY!
I have also always thought that taking my family on a fancy vacation to an all inclusive resort was out of my reach. Well, guess what? I started thinking about it, researching it, and making some adjustments to all sorts of things. I kept thinking it and visioning what it would be like to swim with dolphins… My whole family- hanging out on a beach in Mexico. Guess what? We have all booked a trip (and paid in full) in June to an all-inclusive resort in Cancun! Six days, 5 nights, all- inclusive, with airfare for less than $600 a person… Suites that overlook the ocean!! I couldn’t quite figure out how to pay for the dolphin excursion, but I’ve been thinking about it non-stop and guess what? I had a class open up to teach AND we got a bonus at my job! WHAT?? BINGO! We WILL swim with dolphins in June in Cancun!! We have an appointment in 4 days to get passports for the whole family! What!?!
So, yes. There it is. Manifestation. What you see and think and focus on becomes your reality. In 2021, I see myself graduating as Dr. Bernard, going on an outlandish vacation, swimming with dolphins, and hmmm… I wonder what other blessings I can conjure up… The Lord is good. Maybe He will direct my path in a way that I can exponentially share his mercies and blessings with others. We’ve had some difficult years of learning to trust Him. I wonder if this upcoming year will be the year that we get to shout out how much joy comes with learning to dwell in His presence!! I can’t wait to see what’s next!
What is your word this year?