Happiness is a choice every single day. We don’t always get to choose our situation, but we control how we respond. Am I grateful? Yes. Always. Am I happy? Yes. Mostly. Am I positive? I’m working on it. For two decades, my children have faced unbelievable circumstances, and we’ve been in and out of the hospital. Last night, Scottish Rite called, and it’s time for our annual check-up. Dang. That also means it’s time for Taylin’s cardiologist check-up. Dang. And the neurologist check-up for Dani- Dang. And Endocrine on Friday for Holly. Dang. I am learning to make conscious choices to be happy despite my situation. I consider it a learned behavior and a way to increase my overall joy in life.
I know I try to be PollyAnna, and YES! most of the time these days. But, the truth is I still struggle sometimes to live in the YES! of every day. Just like I struggle to stay on Keto. I like cheeseburgers with buns and onion rings. Actually, I like onion rings a lot. But, I have to choose what I allow into my body if I want to meet my new goals and/ or maintain where I’m at. The same is true with happiness. It is easy to go down a rabbit hole or stay upset, or live in constant fear. I sure don’t like the looming appointments already on the calendar… but I’m not going to think about the what-ifs.
Don’t get me wrong—my kids struggle. My kids make choices I disagree with. My kids act like fools, make messes, act entitled, think they can talk back to me, leave their dishes in their rooms, towels on the floor, and say things to each other that break my heart. But, they also love fiercely, talk constantly, play games, go places, and tell each other they love “you more.” If I let myself, I could focus only on what they do wrong… what a tragedy that would be, though, because I might miss out on so many more terrific things they do right.
I just thought maybe it was time for some real talk. Perhaps just to myself but saying YES! and choosing to be happy is a much better option than the stress, doubt, fear, depression, anxiety, and grief that I was living in. Like onion rings, sometimes I must fight hard not to partake in those feelings. It seems weird but learning to choose joy has been a process for me. It doesn’t mean that I am perfect, without problems, without fear, worry, doubt, etc… it just means that I am making a conscious choice to be happy. I still don’t have a ton of money- but I’m learning to live in affluence (plenty). We still get sick and have medical things, but I choose to think about wellness. I still get my feelings hurt, but I try to let it go. I’m not happy all the time, but I’m happier than I was. I’m not skinny, but I’m thinner than I was. Every single day, I am choosing to increase my joy through gratitude and awareness of potentiality. I’m attempting to inspire and empower others to do the same- because YES! Imagine if we all awakened our joyful, happy selves- what could we accomplish together? It isn’t always going to be sunshine and rainbows, but I’m happier than I have ever been as an adult, by choice. I get to decide today to focus on happiness, and I encourage you to do the same. Do something today that brings you joy. On purpose. Because YES!
